Wednesday, May 31, 2006


(release the doves)

It's the 500th post! Ok that's it. That's the celebration. Everyone can go home now.
I didn't feel like blowing up balloons.

KNOPPIX SAVED MY LIFE! Ok, I'm exaggerating. But it did save me a whole lot of trouble. Windows went wiggy on me, telling me it couldn't load because of some .dll that couldn't be opened. I'm not a computer guy, see? So the only way for me to have a chance of fixing this problem, I need the internet so I can look up a solution, download the file I need, get a fix, or whatever. WELL HELLO! I CAN'T GET ON THE NET WITHOUT MY OPERATING SYSTEM OPENING. Then I remembered that a buddy of mine gave me a KNOPPIX cd a while back. So, I set my BIOS to load my CD-ROM drive first, stuck in the disk, and in a few minutes, my computer was running, but not on Windows. Knoppix is like Linux, but you use it from your CD-ROM drive, not your hard drive, so you don't have to reformat ANYTHING. I played around a bit to find out how to get hooked up to the internet, badabing, a few clicks here and there, danga da danga da dang, and got the problem fixed. NO FILES LOST.

So, I recommend to everyone to download Knoppix, burn a disk, and at the very least keep it around for emergencies.

Here's your assignment: Give us a helpful link, one you use often, or that comes in handy in a pinch, or is just something we should all look at. I give you

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Confession

I have a bag I found in my car that belongs to someone else. I think it belongs to someone who cries like a little girl when I drive in a manly manner.

Also, this is my 499th post. We should have a big celebration for the next post, or something.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Friends, new and old.

Gideon, upon learning that he has a new friend to meet:

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(Actually, Gideon does that when you say "Bloogitty Beepee Boo!" or whatever).

I, myself, that is, one of the worst friends on record, is attempting the friendly act of helping to carry heavy things a great distance today. Hopefully this will help me get back on the right track. I still have old friends, one in particular, that I really really need to catch up with. I'm off to finish my coffee, hop in the car and haul some stuff... for a friend.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I hereby proclaim and declare that all pre-born infants that have reached full-term gestational maturity, now living within the South Central Pennsylvania region, are hereby emancipated from the bonds of the womb and are free to egress from said maternal chamber.

Come forth and taste your freedom!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Testimony and Trials

Well, it looks like I'm going to end up having to go to a hearing tomorrow to lend my testimony (judge, lawyers, the whole shabang), in my continuing endeavor to save a man's life. It would not be proper to go into any details here, but this has to do with an incident occuring this past week that I was privy to involving a man with a gun and some very specific threats. This thing has been somewhat draining for me, emotionally and mentally speaking.

But roller-blading with the kids around the block was fun. I'm shocked at how well little Daniel does (he turns five next month). Things are always very busy around here, but I have to remember to do things like skate around with some kids for little while.

EDIT: I had to run to the kitchen quick just now. Which brings me to what I'm about to say. I want to take a moment and apologize to everyone for the coffee I made this morning. It's a little... well... strong. I know, I like it strong too. I'm talking about it being STRONG though, and with a slight burnt flavor. We acquired a new, and by new I mean very old according to age but new to us, stove top percolator. I'm still experimenting on how to use it right. This morning, for example, I learned that you can't just turn on the burner and walk away from it, go sit down, turn on the computer, log on to the blog, type up a quick paragraph about a difficult time that now involves a court date, etc., like you could with a coffee machine or plug in percolator. Why? Because stuff left on the stove BURNS like a disco inferno. So, sorry about the coffee everybody.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Christiana and Mercy Accosted, Lessons in Self-Defense

Now, by that they were gone about two bow-shots from the place that led them into the way, they espied two very ill- favored ones coming down apace to meet them. With that, Christiana and Mercy her friend covered themselves with their veils, and so kept on their journey: the children also went on before; so that at last they met together. Then they that came down to meet them, came just up to the women, as if they would embrace them; but Christiana said, stand back, or go peaceably as you should. Yet these two, as men that are deaf, regarded not Christiana's words, but began to lay hands upon them: at that Christiana waxing very wroth, spurned at them with her feet. Mercy also, as well as she could, did what she could to shift them. Christiana again said to them, Stand back, and be gone, for we have no money to lose, being pilgrims, as you see, and such too as live upon the charity of our friends.

ILL-FAV. Then said one of the two men, We make no assault upon you for money, but are come out to tell you, that if you will but grant one small request which we shall ask, we will make women of you for ever.

CHR. Now Christiana, imagining what they should mean, made answer again, We will neither hear, nor regard, nor yield to what you shall ask. We are in haste, and cannot stay; our business is a business of life and death. So again she and her companion made a fresh essay to go past them; but they letted them in their way.

ILL-FAV. And they said, We intend no hurt to your lives; it is another thing we would have.

CHR. Aye, quoth Christiana, you would have us body and soul, for I know it is for that you are come; but we will die rather upon the spot, than to suffer ourselves to be brought into such snares as shall hazard our well-being hereafter. And with that they both shrieked out, and cried, Murder! murder! and so put themselves under those laws that are provided for the protection of women. Deut. 22:25-27. But the men still made their approach upon them, with design to prevail against them. They therefore cried out again.

Now they being, as I said, not far from the gate in at which they came, their voice was heard from whence they were, thither: wherefore some of the house came out, and knowing that it was Christiana's tongue, they made haste to her relief. But by that they were got within sight of them, the women were in a very great scuffle; the children also stood crying by. Then did he that came in for their relief call out to the ruffians, saying, What is that thing you do? Would you make my Lord's people to transgress? He also attempted to take them, but they did make their escape over the wall into the garden of the man to whom the great dog belonged; so the dog became their protector. This Reliever then came up to the women, and asked them how they did. So they answered, We thank thy Prince, pretty well, only we have been somewhat affrighted: we thank thee also for that thou camest in to our help, otherwise we had been overcome.

RELIEVER. So, after a few more words, this Reliever said as followeth: I marveled much, when you were entertained at the gate above, seeing ye knew that ye were but weak women, that you petitioned not the Lord for a conductor; then might you have avoided these troubles and dangers; for he would have granted you one.

The story above is from the second part of The Pilgrim's Progress, and when I read it, I immediatly began to think of this in the sense of a self-defense situation, in both a physical and a spiritual sense. There are things we can learn from this story to help us stay safe from evil.

1. "Now, by that they were gone about two bow-shots from the place that led them into the way, they espied two very ill- favored ones coming down apace to meet them."

Be aware of your surroundings. These Ill-favored Ones were quite a distance away when they were spotted by Christiana and Mercy. This is very important. If the first clue that you are being attacked is a punch to your head, a tackle to the ground, hands around your neck, etc., your chances of mounting a successful defense are significantly reduced. However, if when you're out and about, you are sure to look around, notice people, be watchful for possible dangers and pitfalls, then you're in a much more favorable position. In the spiritual realm, "See then that ye walk circumspectly" (Eph. 5:15). Be aware of possible temptations long before you fall into them. If the first clue that you are being attacked by temptation is being found in the very grip and struggle of temptation, your chances of mounting a successful defense are significantly reduced. Much better to keep an eye out for possible temptations, and flee from them.

2. "With that, Christiana and Mercy her friend covered themselves with their veils, and so kept on their journey."

Do not present yourself as a wandering goof going in no particular direction. Christiana and Mercy, having noticed the potential danger, present themselves as focussed and determined travelers, with a certain destination. The appearance of looking like you know what you're doing and where you're going is not generally what a predator is looking for. They want victims. Wandering, lost, vulnerable victims. So if you don't want to be a victim, don't walk around in a daze looking like a victim. Spiritually speaking, "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14). Keep your mind on the goal, avoiding devilish distractions, and diligently labor towards the prize. Keep on your journey.

Also, we notice that Christiana and Mercy covered themselves with their veils. I see this as serving two purposes. First, it's hiding what the attackers may be desiring, protecting the valuables. Second, they are avoiding eye contact. Sometimes looking an aggressive and hostile person straight in the eye is considered a challenge, and it may serve to provoke an attack. And if you're a fair lady, looking strange men in the eye may be considered an invitation. Spiritually speaking, "Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established," (Proverbs 4:25, 26). Keep your spiritual eyes looking in the right direction, and much trouble can be avoided.

3. Then they that came down to meet them, came just up to the women, as if they would embrace them; but Christiana said, stand back, or go peaceably as you should.

Here the Ill-Favored Ones approach Christiana and Mercy in an aggressive manner, not quite an all out assault, but perhaps a testing of the waters. This pre-attack tactic sometimes comes in a verbal form, an interview of sorts. Aggressive language, "What are you looking at?" "You got a problem?" "How would you like if I busted you on the chops, punk?" In this case, with the attackers having a goal other than simply getting in a fight, the Ill-Favored Ones approach the women as if to embrace them, or hug them, unsolicited, uninvited. This is rightly considered an act of aggression, and Christiana does the right thing in mounting a verbal defense. "Stand back." Perfect, especially if she put her hands up in a fense or a guard when she said it, so the better to protect herself. Christiana then tells the Ill-Favored Ones to be on their way, as she does not want any trouble, "Go peaceably." Spiritually speaking, when temptation attempts to approach or even embrace us, we must check it right there, at the very least, saying "Stop!" in our hearts and minds, and even out loud if it involves others.

It is often at this point, when a defensive position is taken, and verbal attempts to stop the advances are made, that one will know whether or not this is going to get really really ugly. Sometimes, hopefully, this will result in the aggressor backing down, "Ok, cool. Sorry, man." But other times...

4. "Yet these two, as men that are deaf, regarded not Christiana's words, but began to lay hands upon them: at that Christiana waxing very wroth, spurned at them with her feet. Mercy also, as well as she could, did what she could to shift them. Christiana again said to them, Stand back, and be gone, for we have no money to lose...."

This attack and defense is briefly stated, but think about this for a moment. Is this not a scary situation? Strangers approach you and your friend, you notice them at a distance and do your best to avoid them. They follow you, approach you, and try to put their arms around the both of you. You tell them to stop, and to move on, and that you don't want any trouble, but they ignore you and increase their efforts, and put their hands on you. You must now FIGHT. You did not ask for it, you were not looking for it, but now you're in it. I've heard it said that one way to tell if you are in a real fight is if you want to quit, but you can't, it's a real fight.

Christiana waxed wroth. Good for her. You see, she was at a disadvantage. She was not "switched on" for this confrontation. Attackers know they're going to attack. They are wired, full of adrenaline, psyched-up, and they know what their intentions are. The victim, however, is often not so prepared. The thought of being attacked, robbed, raped, or murdered, caused Christiana to wax wroth. This she used to her advantage in her defense.

Now, it says she spurned at them with her feet. That is, she kicked them. In England, a "sport" called "Purring" or "Pur Kicking" developed. It's a brutal kind of shin kicking done from a clinch, which is what Christiana and Mercy were probably in at this point, since they "began to lay hands on them." I can't imagine Christiana and Mercy throwing powerful roundhouse kicks, but I can imagine them relentlessly kicking at their shins, all the while telling the attackers to cease, "Stand back, go away, we don't have any money!" Purring can be quite effective, especially with a good pair of shoes on. Mercy also tried to "shift" them, or make them change course, stop what they were doing. This is where clawing, kicking, pulling, pushing, poking, punching, choking, bending, pinching, or whatever will stop the threat, comes into play. At this point, it's for your life, so it's not the time to be gentle and meek. As soon as the verbal warning is ignored, and it's clear that violence is pending (and that not of your own doing), it's time to take the initiative. Spiritually speaking, let us fight against sin with all our might, praying to the LORD for strength and for the blessing of your efforts, "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin" (Hebrews 12:4).

5. "We make no assault upon you for money, but are come out to tell you, that if you will but grant one small request which we shall ask, we will make women of you for ever." The attackers change their tactic to verbal persuasion. Whatever this strange statement meant, it was apparently taken to mean that they intended an assault on their chastity. Spiritually speaking, let us not be seduced by the smooth words of an enemy, but view them as just as dangerous to our chastity and to our lives as a physical attack. "A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue," (Proverbs 17:4). "That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words" (Proverbs 7:5).

6. "And with that they both shrieked out, and cried, Murder! murder! and so put themselves under those laws that are provided for the protection of women. Deut. 22:25-27." They cry "murder" during an apparent rape attempt. Our chastity ought to be defended with our lives. "We should be as much afraid of that which defiles the body, as of that which destroys it." and "That our chastity should be as dear to us as our life when that is assaulted, it is not at all improper to cry murder, murder, for, as when a man riseth against his neighbour and slayeth him, even so is this matter," (Matthew Henry). Defend your chastity as if defending your life.

7. "Now they being... not far from the gate in at which they came, their voice was heard from whence they were... some of the house came out... made haste to her relief," etc. The cries were heard, and standers-by responded with help. If being attacked, cry for help, keep crying for help. Maybe someone will hear and come to the rescue. Spiritually speaking, don't be afraid to cry for help from others when struggling with a temptation or sin, perhaps a brother can help. "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:1, 2).

8. "I marveled much, when you were entertained at the gate above, seeing ye knew that ye were but weak women, that you petitioned not the Lord for a conductor; then might you have avoided these troubles and dangers; for he would have granted you one." The women are rebuked for trying to go it alone. Do your best not to put yourself in a vulnerable position, going out without protection of arms, or alone without companions. Safety in numbers, is a truism not to be forgotten. Spiritually speaking, do not isolate yourself, so far as you are able to help it, from other Christians. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25). And most importantly, don't ever think you are strong enough to resist temptation of your own strength, but rather, pray to God for protection. "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil," (Matthew 6:13).

Well, that's all I have to say about that. Just some thoughts I had, which may or may not be helpful to others. Stay safe.