Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"I've never had a bad day in my life."

I heard a guy say that phrase once. I've had what I'd call bad days. I've had days where I laid flat on the floor wanting to die, I've had days where I was so sick I thought I was going to die, and I've had days where I contemplated how to die.

But so far I have not died, and that being the case, while I would not go so far as saying I've never had a bad day in my life, I will admit that I've never had a day that has been as bad as it could have been.

Today was a bad day. Could have been worse though. It was worse for my brother. Our drunken loved one (not Jesse!) fell and cracked some head and ended up in the hospital. Drunken loved one is due to be released after the blood alcohol level comes down to a legal-ish range (should be at a bout 2:30 am). This hospital visit was just the icing on the cake, as the past three days have involved multiple police intervention, drugs, money being thrown away, cursing and swearing, phone calls to my other loved ones design to destroy relationships, and all kinds of other filth that would make a prostitute blush and ain't fit to print. Well, like I said, my poor brother is getting the brunt of this latest episode, but I'm about all worn out myself too.

But the Lord is good. I'm still alive, and I guess that means the day couldn't have been all that bad.

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