Thursday, February 16, 2006

Not a Sport

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Let's get this straight (a very important word there, straight):

1. If you must get your hair and makeup done for the competition, it is not a sport.

2. If you made your own costume, it's not a sport.

3. If you must strike a dramatic pose and hold it as part of your "routine," it's not a sport.

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4. If a romantic movie soundtrack is involved, it's not a sport.

5. Whatever this guy's doing:
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6. Style points? Not a sport.

7. If you can drop your 90 lbs. partner and still win the silver, not a sport.

8. If the commentators repeatedly says things like, "Beautiful!" "Gorgeous!" "He's so eloquent, so flowing," and "[Sigh...] I don't care about his technique, I just love watching him," all the while sounding like an adoring lover, NOT A SPORT.

9. Choreography = Not a sport.

10. If women that don't like any other sport, like it, it's only because it's not a sport.

Gimme more, people.

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