Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blogger's Questions

Ok, I got tagged. So here goes.

1. Do you like the look and the contents of your blog?

Yeah, I guess so.

2-Does your family know about your blog?

Some do, some don't.

3-Can you tell your friends about your blog?

Sure, though I know some friends would enjoy some things, and some would enjoy other things, while most will probably not enjoy all of it.

4-Do you just read the blogs of those who comment on your blog?

No, I read much more than that.

5-Did your blog positively affect your mind?

I think so. It's like journaling sometimes -- it makes me organize my thoughts more than I tend to do just inside my own little head.

6-What does the number of visitors to your blog mean?

Nothing at all. I have no idea how many people stop by. I never checked stats. I don't even have a counter thingy.

7-Do you imagine what other bloggers look like?

I pretty much just assume most people are ugly. That way I'm pleasantly surprised if I meet someone I was wrong about.

8-Do you think blogging has any real benefit?

It's all part of online life, I think. I've met and talked to real friends in real life as a result being online, so yeah. Plus if someone can read something on my blog that they find helpful, that's a real benefit. I know I've read stuff on other blogs that were helpful to me.

9-Do you think that the blogosphere is a stand alone community separated from the real world?

I don't even know what that means. I'm thinking "no."

10-Do some political blogs scare you? Do you avoid them?

Scared of a blog? No. I'm not scared of the rain either. I'm probably more scared of myself than of anything else (I'm not equating being scared with that fear of the Almighty).

11-Do you think that criticizing your blog is useful?

I criticize myself all the time, but I'm afraid that most of my criticisms are not very useful. Honest and good criticism from a friend is good medicine, though sometimes it tastes bad.

12-Have you ever thought about what would happen to your blog in case you died?

I haven't given it too much thought. I guess there'd be a lot of spam comments!

13-Which blogger had the greatest impression on you?

Brother John told me he thought a blog would suit me, and that he thought I might enjoy it. Then he stopped blogging.

14-Which blogger do you think is the most similar to you?

Hmm.... I don't know, maybe this guy.

Tag: Everybody.

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