Monday, September 22, 2008

What I did on Summer Vacation

Welp, Summer's gone. Here's a post about stuff we did this Summer (the pictures aren't great, and I don't have time to write a compelling story, but you should get the drift) --

We went camping:

We caught crayfish in the creek:

And then we ate them!
(Jesse ate them whole... head first... CRUNCH!)

We decided to "go green" by figuring out a way to save energy:

We got a bunny:
And we buried her two days later :(

We shoved kids into a dog house:

And, umm...

There's some other stuff too. For example we have a new family member (my sister-in-law, my wife's sister had a baby girl. She's still in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery. We're praying for her). But I can't sit at the computer and put pictures up all day!

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