Thursday, November 04, 2004

Concession announcement

It was a difficult decision, but after talking it over with my family, I think it's best for the American people for me to concede the election. My people tell me that I did not receive even a single vote, which I find to be quite disturbing and not a little distressing, but rather than demanding a recount, I think I'm just gonna drop the whole thing, step out of contention, and let the healing process begin.

The whole election thing made for some interesting conversation in the office. Most of my immediate co-workers are Bush supporters, though I imagine that hospital wide, you'd likely find more Kerry people. Me? Oh, I exercised my God-given right to refrain from voting. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful that the lesser of two evils was elected, but I cannot give my support for an evil, lesser or no. I hope you understand.

This is Mary Ellen. She's a nurse, and she's wont to give you medications, orally or by injection, whether you need them or not. Yow!

I'm Jerry, and I authorize this message.

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