Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Still the man!

It amazes me when I think about it. God does not only give us things we need, but He gives us things we enjoy! What a good God, who gives not only food, but good food! not a home, but a nice home! not only a family, but a family I enjoy! All praise and glory be to the Lord our God who supplies our needs in such wonderful ways!

It is in this spirit that I submit the following....

I have this thing where I beat up all the kids at one time, just to let them know what's up. Yeah, I can still do it. I can still whoop all of them! True, after my asthma attack and my short-lived seizure like activity, I need a rest and a drink. But the kids aren't thinking about how old and out of shape dad is, they can only focus on their own pain. Keep the kids coming, cuz they're going down, and they're going down hard.

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