Friday, March 04, 2005

We finally went and did it.

The last time we had a family photo done like this, it was just me, Rachel, and little Cole. I guess I didn't realize how big we look, number wise... not super big, but we take up some space, that's for sure.

 Posted by Hello

Speaking of photographs, I really like picture blogs. But I don't tend to link to them because you never know when amongst all the cool pics you'll find someone giving the finger or taking off their clothes or something. I found this one today. Some extremely cool pictures, and it's not even in English! The blog named after the place where the Devil does his laundry has some cool pics of inner-city life, but as for the name of the blog.... to quote the pseudo-rocker David St. Hubbins, "It's such a fine line between stupid and clever."

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