Monday, April 04, 2005

How big a sissy I am.

Do you see that? That's a screen capture I did from some footage of Bruce Lee. Yes, he was an actor. But he viewed his acting as a means to promote his martial arts -- he really was of incredible strength, speed, and ability. Do you see what he's doing in this picture? Just to mock wimps like me, he's doing pushups on TWO FINGERS, two fingers that just happen to be attached TO THE SAME ARM! Posted by HelloI've found that I'm not alone in my quest for more pushups. This guy wants to do one million of them before he croaks. And here's another guy who was aiming to work up to 1000 pushups at a shot. I wonder how many he's up to by now.

"Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend." -- Bruce Lee.

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