Saturday, April 02, 2005

I've taken deadly poison!

I've had this sinus kinda cold thingy the past few days. Up until the past few days, I've just been ignoring it, and going on with work and training no problem. Yesterday, while blowing my nose, I blew out my left ear... OUCH! So I took some Pseudo-phed and did 150 pushups throughout the day (an act of vengeance on myself for being such a girly sissy girl). Today, it feels like my right ear is going to blow. Again, OUCH! So, I took some Belladonna. The poison, not the Stevie Nicks Album. One of our kids, I think maybe Daniel, had an ear infection as an infant, and Belladonna cleared it up pronto. So, perhaps this is the last post you'll see from me -- I just may have poisoned myself. But I figure the ear thing will be taken care of either way, huh?

(before you call the police or an ambulance... it was a very tiny dose).

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