Monday, May 24, 2004

Day by Day

Day by Day with John Calvin. Overall, I've been getting good use of it. The book is set up with a portion of Scripture, and comments by Calvin's writings, mostly from his Commentaries and the Institutes. I've been using it in my private worship by reading the entire chapter from which the Scripture passage is taken, and then reading the short comment by Calvin by way of explanation of the passage read. I have two complaints, however. First, I wish there would be citations so I know what work the quote comes from. Second, the editing is at times atrocious. Whether it be an entire paragraph removed from the text, with no indication of it being removed, or replacing "Moses" with "the author of Genesis," as if Calvin was as drunk with modern "scholarship" as teachers of today are, the editing is ALMOST NEVER for the better, but for the worse. I've heard Heart Aflame is much better, which sticks to Calvin's Commentaries on the Psalms, but I've not been through it yet. I prefer Calvin's Corner, but hey, I'm a bit biased.

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