Monday, June 28, 2004

Atkins this, low carb that...

I'm fed up with low carbs. I mean, I'm actually fed up with plenty of carbs, cuz carbs = sugar = yummy = Eat stuff. Eat bread, eat dead animals, eat leaves. Just eat stuff. Eat the stuff God gave you to eat, and thank Him for it and seek His blessing of it. Also, get off your tush and do something.

Here's the latest on Atkins:

Atkins 'may cut chances of pregnancy'


Key points
• Research finds too much protein inhibits conception chances in mouse trial
• Less than 20% protein intake recommended for women to conceive
• Atkins Diet representative rejects the findings

Key quote
"The study subjects were mice, which are herbivores. Whether or not these findings or effects would apply to humans, who are omnivores, is unknown" - Dr Stuart Trager, medical director of Atkins Nutritionals Inc


Did you catch that? ATKINS IS BIRTH CONTROL! Ahh!!!

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