Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Another Day

Well, another birthday has come and gone (2/20). Last night we had a giant chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on it (picture a pizza, but made out of a cookie and ice cream). Yummy. I feel alot younger this year than I did the last few years. I've got a jump in my step, I'm not tired all the time (even though I've not been sleeping great). I'm starting to get some exercise again -- the three oldest chilluns and I are going to Karate class again tonight (D.V., of course). I was told I may be allowed to keep my rank instead of start all over at white belt -- that would be nice. When I stopped practicing Karate before I went to college, I was training to test for brown belt. I'm hoping Karate can benefits the kids as well -- Cole has some neurological things going on, that I'm thinking might be helped by some good training of the body.

Keep us all in your prayers, please. Despite feeling so good lately, I still get a bit hopeless about some things.

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