"No reason for alarm," folks. The Pope is recovering.
What a relief. Speaking of the Pope, here are the marks of Antichrist as noted by Andrew Willet.
Of the true markes whereby Antichrist may be discerned.
1. As he is called Antichrist, so he shall in all things be opposite and contrarie unto Christ. 1. Christ was most holy, and by the spirit of God which remained in him, was moved in his thoughts, words, and workes onely to that which was good: but Antichrist by the operation and instinct of Sathan shall be stirred up unto all kind of evill: this Pererius confesseth: & how this hath bin performed in that Romish chaire of pestilence, all the world seeth, and they which are not willfully blinded must needes acknowledge: what blashphemie, idolatrie, profaneness, uncleannes of life, murders, and other impieties have beene committed by that Sea, hath beene abundantly shewed elswhre so that that title, which the holy Apostle hath given unto Antichrist, calling him the man of sinne, 2. Thess. 2. 8. doth more fitly agree unto none, then to be Bishop of Rome. 2. Christ was humble and meeke: but Antichrist shall be most proud. 3. Christ was most obedient unto his father, and gave most honourable testimonie of him: Antichrist shall be most contumelious and blasphemous against God, and therefore he is said Apoc. 13. to be full of the names of blasphemie. 4. Christ came to preach the truth, Antichrist shall be the sower of all corrupt and false doctrine. 5. Christ said his kingdome was not of this world but Antichrist shall altogether seeke the pompe and glorie of this world. 6. Christ was the head of all good and holy men, and Antichrist shal be caput malorum, the head of the evill and wicked men. These notes and marks Pererius giveth of Antichrist, shewing wherein he shall be an enemie and adversarie unto Christ. All which notes and markes doe most fitly agree to the Bishop of Rome: for what place can shew more examples of all kind of wickedness then that? who is more proud and ambitious blasphemous then he? where is taught more false and corrupt doctrine than there who seeketh more the outward pompe of the world then he? and who els chalengeth to be head of the (malignant) Church but he?
2. Pererius saith that Antichrist shall be a great dissembler and hypocrite, he shall make a shew of three great virtues, chastity, abstinencie, and pietie. And who maketh a greater shew of these then the Pope? He would seeme to be so chast, that he forbiddeth his Clergie lawfull marriage, yet suffering them to practice secretly all kind of uncleanness: he would seem to be abstemious in forbidding the use of lawfull meates: and for his pietie he will be saluted and called the most holy father.
3. Antichrist shall corrupt many with his great gifts and liberall rewards: And so the Pope hath Cardinals hats, Archbishops palles, Bishops miters, and other dignities, with ample and large revenues to bestow upon his followers as Bishop Fisher in king Henries daies was rewarded with a Cardinals hat for his good service in maintaining the Popes supremacie: but the head that should have worne it, was first set up upon London bridge. Bellarmine for his great paines taken in defending of the Popes supremacie, and other points of Antichristian doctrine, was made a Cardinal.
4. Pererius addedth further, that whome Antichrist cannot winne with flatterie & gifts, he will seeke to overcome by terror and torments, lib. 14. in 11. Dan. V. 21. Such hath beene the practice of the Antichristian Prelates, as the former daies of persecution in England doe plentifully testifie: for first they would set upon the faithfull servants of God by flatterie and faire promise, and so not prevailing, they would threaten faggot and fire: this may be evidently seene in the examinations of the blessed servants of God, D. Taylor, M. Philpot, M. Bradford, with the rest.
5. Last of all, Antichrist shall deceive, saith Pererius, saciendo plurima & admiranda prodigia, by working many prodigious things: And this hath beene the continuall practice of the Papal Church, with forged miracles to deceive the simple people, as hath beene before declared: And hitherto I have followed Pererius steppes, shewing how his markes of Antichrist doe most fitly agree unto his Pope holy father the Bishop of Rome.
Pray for the death of the Pope, but more importantly, for the destruction of the Papacy.
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