Friday, March 05, 2004

Hip Green Shag

Why anyone would cover natural wood with lime green shag carpeting is beyond me. When we bought the house, several rooms had this horrible stuff in it. In Daniel's room, we tore up the monstrosity to find a nice wooden floor underneath. A little sanding, some finish, and it looks real nice. Of course, it's not exactly as "pimp chic" as the shag, but we like it much better. Today, I started tearing up the green stuff in Calle's room. Uh oh! Results? My back hurts and the wood sure ain't as nice as what was in Daniel's room. Holes in the wood, big chips, not very much use to me. We're gonna end up carpeting it with something nice.

Flooring is very important to me, believe me. The flooring in my kitchen and dining room provokes homocidal ideation (don't ask). I try not to look at it when I'm making sandwiches.

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