Sunday, March 07, 2004


I hold a little book in my hand called, "The Heidelberg Catechism, with Proof-Texts and Explanations as used in the Palatinate, translated from the German by Rev. H. Harbaugh, D.D., with Forms of Devotion." It was published in Reading, PA., by Daniel Miller. On the inside near the back of the book is an inscription, written in pencil, apparently by a child, which reads, "I gave my heart to Jesus, And I mean to keep my vows. A.A.R."

After the Catechism section of the book, there follows a section called "Questions and Councels as Helps to Self-Examination." I typed up the questions here, and plan on typing out the counsels later:

Let each one ask himself or herself these questions. Make a pause after each one; and bring the conscience, the heart, and the life, solemnly to these tests. It is better to answer these questions now than to meet them in the day of Judgment. Oh! be honest with your soul!


1. Have you been made to feel that by nature you were in a lost and helpless condition? Have you experienced the conviction that your heart is the seat and fountain of sin, and that you have committed many acts of transgression and sin against God? Have you felt that there is no way of escape from this condition of misery, save through the Cross of Christ? Have you hence been led to despair of yourself, and your works, and to throw yourself altogether on the free mercy of God in Christ?

2. Have you been willing to acknowledge that this depravity and helplessness of your nature comes from sin? Have you felt that in punishing you for your sin, God is just? Have you been willing to acknowledge that God has a right to require obedience to the whole law? Have you felt that you are altogether unable to deliver yourself from misery and want, and that a DIVINE deliverer alone can save you?

3. Have you hence turned towards Christ as the God-man, and as such the only one able and willing to save you? Have you sincerely turned unto him, accepted of him as your only hope, and thrown yourself unreservedly upon his sacrifice for salvation?

4. Have you reason to believe that Go has accepted of you, and that you are truly converted to him? On what is your hope of acceptance with God based? On your reformation? On your sorrow for sins? On your prayers? On your tears? On your good works? On your religious acts? Or is it on Christ alone, as your all in all? Has Christ appeared to your soul as the one altogether lovely?

5. Do you love God? Can you call him, “Abba, Heavenly Father?” Do you desire to live to his glory here, and to praise him forever hereafter? Is it your great comfort to now that you belong to the Saviour? Have you the consciousness of pardoned sin? Do you delight in religious worship? Do you delight in serving God?

6. Do you hate, and desire to be delivered from sin? Do you love and strive after holiness? Do you live near to God?

7. Do you pray? Do you love prayer? Do you love the Scriptures? Do you see a loveliness in the truths of the Bible? Do you desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God? Do you desire to live so as to promote the glory of God, as the chief end of your life?

8. Do you feel the importance of adorning religion by a holy and blameless life? Do you seek sincerely so to honor and adorn religion? Are you jealous for the honor of religion?

9. Do you hate sin? In others? In yourself? Does the sight of sin really pain you? Do the strivings of sin in you give you penitence, humility, and deep distress of soul?

10. Do you love holiness? Is the beauty of holiness to you the highest beauty? Do you desire that others might be holy? Do you long for a holy church? Do you desire to be holy? Is holiness to you one of the chief attractions of heaven?

11. Have you any bosom sin? Do you yield to any indulgence which you know to be sinful, and which you nevertheless love? Are you willing to part with it? If you regard iniquity in your heart, the Lord will not hear you.

12. Are you at all times humbly and anxiously endeavoring to be a Christian, and to seek holiness of heart? Or do you only manifest this concern at special times? Such as Communion seasons? Do you, after these seasons, go back again to your former course of life?

Good questions, indeed.

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